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Cake Smash Shoots

Jason Parnell

So what is a Cake Smash Shoot?

W this picture might explain it a little more....

Cake Smash Shoots are becoming so sought after I seem to get lots of requests for new mums and dads wanting to celebrate by letting their 1 year old child smash up a “Delicious Cake” on a decorated set for not only memories bit to embarrass them on their 18th Birthday!

Cake Smash Shoots can be so messy so always be prepared! Here are a few things to consider...

  • Make sure you have a spare set of clothes 👖👚for your child but a little fancy dress can make the shoot much more entertaining (and possibly spare clothes for yourself!)

  • Take a small bottle of water🚰 for your child, being on set is thirsty work, but also a lot of cake can make your mouth very dry!

  • Time it right so your child is hungry 😋, you don’t want to take them to shoot to smash cake up on a full tummy it’s just not going to happen!

  • Make sure you get a nice soft cake 🎂 that’s not toooo sweet but of course make it tasty!

  • Wipes always take wipes 🧻, I always keep packs of wipes in the studio for my clients to use, it’s just part of the service here at Jason Parnell Photography.

These are just a few helpful tips when thinking of going for a cake smash. I have seen parents covered in cake leaving the studio as their child has decided to race over and collapse on them covering everyone with cake! I’ve also seen the child go home covered in cake too, that must have raised a few questions on the return back home if cought by the neighbours 😂.

An alternative would be to extend your cake smash with a splash 💦 option. After a messy and sticky cake smash your child can have a good wash down in a dedicated set tub full of warm water and bubbles, in which they can splash and have even more messy fun getting clean!

The best thing about in studio cake smash is you can have your own theme. If you arnt sure simple themes can created based on the colour scheme but if you have a really create idea and you want something super special like the Monsters Inc set below then mention this, the shoot may cost a little extra for special themes as other props and additions must be purchased or created However you can also bring a few props of your own if you wish?

Once the fun is done it’s time to relive the memories through your photos I offer digital copies and also great products such as prints, canvas‘s, Magna Blox and Folios just like the one below which is a 10x8 Folio Box with prints and USB.

This was a great example from one of my New Born Shoots they are the perfect way to cherish memories all in one gorgeous product but here at Jason Parnell Photography their are many of products to choose from to store and show off your photos.

If your interested in a Cake Smash Shoot why not get in touch for more information? Call 01623 354100 or email

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